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Looking at a Granny Smith apple and a McIntosh apple, there are a lot of things that are similar. Shape, size, structure are all similar, and yet there are things too that are different. Skin color, taste, density of the fruit itself.
The differences and similarities have to do with the makeup of the apples, and we know they are made up a organic molecules, and in turn, those molecules are made up of atoms…we can continue to break this down further but the point is, what makes a Granny Smith and what makes a McIntosh, are encoded in the structure and constituency of the sub-atomic particles, atoms and organic molecules.
Encoding is simply information, in this case the information “stored” in the elements come to form an apple.
Look around and marvel at all of the various and complex bits of information in the form of everything around you.
If you bring only this notion of encoding, you can start to think of the universe in a different fashion, that of sets of particles and these particles carry information. The particles can be combined, with varying kinds of information to reflect into different manifestations. Granny Smith apples and McIntosh apples.
We have learned, over the course of centuries, to manipulate things in order to change this encoding…at one point early in…