Member-only story

All the cool kids are running with generative AI for all kinds of things…
Chat bots to help us with customer service, making the next coolest meme, creating deep fakes to delude people and misguide elections (oops).
However, some organizations are seriously considering OR already engaged in using this technology to replace large parts of their development organizations. They are writing their software using these tools.
This is going to be a disaster, it’s only a matter of when.
Why are they doing this?
Well, since in our capitalist system virtually all organizations are driven by quarterly results, there is a huge incentive to improve revenue and cut costs in the short term, and this can lead to long term detrimental effects. This short term thinking is driving this push to cut developer staffing in lieu of using this AI approach. Of course, when the shit hits the fan a few years down the road, many of those responsible for driving this idiotic cost cutting measure will be on to the next thing or retired to their favorite golf course, blissfully unscathed by these stupid decisions.
Why is this a bad approach?
There are really two big reasons to think about here. And yes, let’s tip the hat to the generative AI capabilities, it’s…