I challenge how we treat “ideas” in design thinking!

joe russo
2 min readJun 6, 2024
Photo by Daniele Franchi on Unsplash

One of the fun parts of designing is the brainstorming, by yourself or with others, it’s always fun, funny and insightful. There is however a phrase often used in brainstorming and it really rubs me the wrong way.

“There are no bad (or stupid) ideas.”

I would politely ask the world to stop referring to ideas and brainstorming in this fashion.

I have many reasons for this which I will share.

Orange Elephant

Here’s one reason I don’t like this, right now I’ll ask to to NOT think of an orange elephant.

What happens? You cannot help but think of an orange elephant. Same goes with this declaration of bad or stupid ideas. It’s not that it makes you think of a bad or stupid idea but that your ideas will inherently be bad or stupid. It predisposes you to cast your ideas into that caustic judgement spotlight.

Building block

Instead of this approach I propose this statement.

“All ideas are welcome, they are the building blocks of greatness.”

This first speaks to opening and welcoming without casting judgement. Yippee!

And it correctly sets expectation both that contributions by all will help us to create…



joe russo

Designer, developer, writer, soccer fan, traveler, lover of food and cooking, quantum computing geek.